Which “Y” Will You Take?


Measure Y is a General Plan Update proposed by The Newport Beach City Council recommending changes in current language in the plan that affects how land is used in the city.

The No on Y citizens view this as a way to increase traffic and development in the city. The yes group and the city describe it as a master plan that will improve the quality of life for all of us citizens while decreasing congestion and limits growth.

A fundraiser sponsored by the Newport Votes No on Y citizens was held Sept. 10 at Newport Vineyards and according to the latest count raised around $10,000. At least 100 people attended.

The goal of Newport Votes No on Y is to inform citizens of what the language in the amendment is really saying and will be doing if passed in November (according to their analysis of the issue) and its long term impact on Newport Beach.

This group along with its leader, Dorothy Kraus, has some heavy hitters joining her in the fight to get the word out that this is not a ballot measure that will be good for the citizens in Newport Beach.

The keynote speakers and planners of the No on Y measure include 2014 Newport Beach Citizens of the Year Jack and Nancy Skinner, and was co-hosted by former citizens of the Year Evelyn Hart, Jean Watt, and Bob Shelton.

Tim Stoaks, Karen Tringali, Dennis Baker, Melinda Seely, Andy Lingle and Nancy Alston all supported the event through planning, attending, and mingling with the many citizens who attended the event.

Many questions were answered and much discussion took place regarding how the passage of this could affect the quality of life in the city now and into the future.

An important part of the information discussed was how the measure is being supported by the city council and some council candidates, and how unfortunate it is that the measure is so difficult to read and understand.

Citizens should be able to rely on their local government to develop language for proposed measures that helps them understand what they are voting for so that they can make thoughtful decisions regarding how they want their city to function, grow, and be managed. Raising money and awareness is hard work done by a few to support informed decisions and better voter knowledge before going to the polls in November.

You are asked by the No on Y group to carefully consider their assessment of this issue before you cast your vote. Get involved by displaying a sign, giving money for mailers, yard signs, and newspaper ads, or simply taking the time to explore it more and listen to others who have taken a stand.

To learn more about the No on Measure Y’s perspective visit newportvotesno.org. This group has spent many hours discussing and analyzing this measure. They have put a lot of personal time into getting this information to you so that you can see not only what the city has to say but what the neighbor down the street thinks who dedicates time, money, and energy to keep you informed.

I am voting NO. Your job is to figure out how you will vote and become informed. It is a democracy and we all have a choice to make.

The Y in the road you take will have lasting footprints on your future as a citizen in Newport Beach.


That is My Take

Dr. Gloria J. Alkire