Women of Chapman’s Annual Meeting at Balboa Bay Resort Benefits Chapman University

President Sheri Nazaroff (second from right) presenting check to, from left, Exec. VP and Chief Advancement Officer Matt Parlow, VP for Student Affairs & Dean of Students Jerry Price, and Chapman President Daniele Struppa, right. / Photo credit: Tony Lattimore

Members of the Women of Chapman, a 220-member support group for Chapman University, met for their annual luncheon at the Balboa Bay Resort on Thursday, June 8.

Now in its 52nd year, the group has given more than $10 million to the university. The group’s annual “Christmas at the Ritz” holiday fundraiser has contributed to the total giving to a great degree.

Joining WOC President Sheri Nazaroff in welcoming the close to 60 members were event co-chairs Kiki Rhynerson and Donna Bunce. It was announced that the group has committed to a one-million-dollar pledge over 10 years to establish the Student Hardship Assistance Fund Endowment. The endowment will provide flexible financial support for students in dire financial need with funds to pay for things ranging from emergency medical bills to transportation home when there is a family crisis, etc.

At the luncheon, a check for $305,000 was presented to Chapman University President Daniele Struppa, Matt Parlow, Exec. VP and Chief Advancement Officer at Chapman University, and Jerry Price, VP for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at Chapman University.

The check will complete the Women of Chapman’s one-million-dollar pledge to the Women of Chapman Central Park at the Rinker Health Science Campus and will also make a payment to the group’s one-million-dollar pledge to Keck Science Center’s Women of Chapman Science Gallery.

Event Co-Chrs Kiki Rhynerson and Donna Bunce / Photo credit: Tony Lattimore

WOC Membership Chairman Jacqui Penner introduced 20 new Women of Chapman members and their sponsors. The incoming 2023-24 Steering Committee (board of directors) was introduced by the co-chairs.

Flowers and a Women of Chapman gold pin were presented to Nazaroff for her first year serving as Women of Chapman President (it is a two-year term). Also recognized with floral bouquets were outgoing Membership Tea Co-Chairs Mona Lee Nesseth and Donna Di Bari.

Members of the 2023-24 Steering Committee: President: Sheri Nazaroff. President Elect: Kiki Rhynerson. Program Co-Chairs: Donna Bunce and Kiki Rhynerson. Benefit Chair: Lisa Hallaian. Benefit Chair Elect: Kristi Jacob. Financial Recorder: Natalia Palda. Recording Secretary: Susan Villeneuve. Corresponding Secretary: Christina Johnston. Membership Chair: Jacqui Penner. Parliamentarian & Nominations Chair: Laura Baratta. WOC Student Filmmaker Endowment Chair: Adrienne Brandes. Roster Committee Co-Chairs: Kiki Rhynerson and Donna Bunce. Communications Committee Co-Chairs: Kathy Hamilton and Susie Tuttle. Historian: Kimberly Oswald.

WOC President Sherie Nazaroff with Membership Chair Jacqui Penner / Photo credit: Tony Lattimore

Members at Large: Paula Aragone, Sally Crockett, Janet Curci, Cynthia DeBaun, Donna Di Bari, Barbara Eidson, Donna Hood, Sue Hook, Lauren Johnston, Melinda Kartsonis, Eve Kornyei, Mikey Lares, Mona Lee Nesseth, Phyllis Shafer, Christine Sullivan.

Emeritus Members: Donna Bianchi, Donna Calvert, Leslie Cancellieri, Kristin Martin, Marci Sorensen.

For more information about Women of Chapman, visit https://www.chapman.edu/support-chapman/donor-communities/support-groups/women-of-chapman.

2023 Benefit Chair Lisa Hallaian, new member Dana Kanne, member Michelle Kirkwood / Photo credit: Tony Lattimore
President Daniele Struppa with board members Barbara Eidson and Janet Curci and Honorary Member Mary Roosevelt / Photo credit: Tony Lattimore