Withington Wellness – Business of the Week


An OC success story born out of coronavirus pandemic


Valerie Withington

Valerie Withington, an established OC yoga and meditation teacher, is known and respected by many hundreds of students who have practiced with her over the past 16 years.

Before the pandemic she founded Withington Wellness with the assistance of her Teacher, a master in classic Vedic sciences, as a vehicle to share the benefits of yoga, meditation, pranayama, mantra, and other powerful esoteric practices and philosophies.

At the start of the quarantine the company was positioned to do just that, though not in a way they ever could have imagined.

Almost overnight, withingtonwellness.com was transformed into a platform for live-stream classes to help people maintain physical and mental well-being from the safety of home.


Yoga sculpt classes were added to the schedule, along with private and family lessons. “Virtual platforms have a much broader reach, which means greater positive impact for our students for whom a vibrant, healthy life is essential,” Withington explains.

Not all virtual classes are created equal, and quality has been a priority from the start; first, the modality of teaching and style have to be skillfully adapted so the same effect as can be felt as in a live class. Second, considerable investment is required in digital technology to deliver great audio, video, and seamless access to classes via the website.

“We are tuned in to our students, and our professional approach has been a welcome relief for them. They tell us they have benefited from our classes and have seen a significant impact on their lives.”

She adds that while the global health pandemic has been challenging, there have been many signs of resiliency: “Students are more willing than ever to explore digital options, and moving forward, Withington Wellness will continue to lean into the strength of the community,” adding that now more than ever, “we are all taking care of each other.”

Withington Wellness currently collaborates with Birthday Wishes— a non-profit that throws birthday parties for children living in shelters— to broaden support in sectors hit hard by quarantine.

“Early on, we made the choice to be proactive, create our own future, and be the author of our own story,” Withington says. “At our core we are a company founded to serve and help people. Before, during, and after this pandemic, that will continue to be our guiding principle.”


To join a class visit, withingtonwellness.com.