Volunteers Knit in Public, Spread the Love

Knots of Love founder Christine Fabiani (left) knits with volunteers Sandy Benson (middle) and Carolyn Fisch at Fashion Island Saturday during the organization’s nation-wide Knit or Knot in Public campaign. — Photos by Sara Hall

A small group of knitters and knotters came together Saturday at Fashion Island, joining other volunteers across the nation, to raise awareness and interest for a local charity.

Knots of Love, the charity the volunteers were supporting and promoting, provides hand knitted and crocheted caps for chemotherapy patients and others facing life-threatening illnesses.

Christine Fabiani works on a special order knit cap during Saturday’s event.

“We’re looking to raise awareness for our wonderful charity,” said Knots of Love founder Christine Fabiani.

“There are volunteers across the country today,” she added, “and we’re here at Fashion Island, knitting and crocheting, enjoying the outdoors, meeting people and spreading the love.”

Fabiani was joined by volunteers Carolyn Fisch and Sandi Benson at Fashion Island, all three knitting, chatting and spreading the love about the organization between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturday.

The formerly Newport Beach based group, now operating out of Costa Mesa, had 38 groups and 100 to 150 volunteers out and about across America on Saturday, knitting or knotting in public, Fabiani said.

This was the first Knitting and/or Knotting in Public event that Knots of Love has held, but there are definitely plans to do it again in the future, Fabiani added.

The volunteers are also spreading the interest in the organization’s VA Cap Drive to support veterans that are battling cancer at VA hospitals across the country.

Volunteers Carolyn Fisch (foreground) and Sandi Benson chat as they knit at Fashion Island on Saturday.

Knots of Love is aiming to send out 5,000 caps to VA hospitals by Veterans Day on November 11. The group has donated 2,650 so far.

Volunteers also gathered at other locations throughout Orange County including the lobby at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Corner Bakery on Main Street in Santa Ana, Irvine Lakeview Senior Center and many more.

Layla, a Golden Retriever certified therapy dog, was also in attendance wearing her breast cancer bandanna, skirt and matching feet outfit, as well as a crocheted hat, collar and leash.

Knots of Love volunteers knit and knot more than 3,000 caps each month, which are shipped to over 350 cancer treatment centers, infusion centers, hospitals and oncology offices in all 50 states, Canada and Mexico.

Knots of Love has shipped more than 92,000 caps since its inception in 2007.

A Knots of Love bracelet sits among several of the hand knitted caps destined for treatment centers across the US.