The World Is Going Off Its Rocker


* Do as I Say Not as I Do

Did you notice anything about those persons who accepted the Oscars for Costume Design, Hairstyling and Makeup? In a bit of irony the women dressed very modestly with little in the way of matching or coordinating. Their hairstyles and makeup were frumpy and so yesterday. Perhaps they had spent so much time tending to the stylish and stunning looks of the actors that they forgot to save a little time for themselves.

 * The Wild West

If you follow the local headlines, you are aware that shooting randomly at innocent people (for target practice) has become a wide spread sport. Do you think that people have decided to start shooting now before Obama takes away their bullets and guns?

 * The Wild Strip

People from Newport Beach love to visit Las Vegas for a quick get-away holiday. On Thursday, Feb.21, the Las Vegas Strip became a scene of deadly violence, when a rapper in a black Range Rover opened fire on a Maserati at a stoplight. The Maserati was sent crashing into a taxi that burst into flames, leaving at least six people injured and three dead. The car-to-car attack occurred at Las Vegas and Flamingo boulevards that is the site of several major casinos, including the Bellagio, Caesars Palace and Bally’s. In the future will Las Vegas still be able to promote and advertise itself as a family friendly (with kids of all ages) destination or will it become a location site for the next “Die Hard” movie?

 * A Toxic Mixture

We’re all familiar with the downfall of such great athletes as Oscar Pistorius, Tiger Woods and O.J. Simpson. Many great athletes, particularly those who also become celebrities, are so spoiled from their youth forward that they feel they can do anything and obtain a get-out-of-jail-free pass. In all these cases, beautiful femme fatales compounded the athletes’ sudden downfalls but were not at fault. Is there a lesson here? It seems that beautiful women (be they models, actresses, pageant queens, etc.) and super-star male athletes mix about as well as a match and gunpowder.

 *  A Costly Error

Angel management says that the stingy four percent raise of $20,000 they gave Mike Trout won’t affect his performance on the field this year. All Trout did last year was win Rookie of the Year honors and finish second in the MVP vote to Miguel Cabrera. But ask any MLB manager which player they would rather have on their team. Would it be the Angel’s ROY Trout or the Tigers’ MVP Cabrera? After a fine off-season the Angels threw away much of the good will they had earned over the winter. The decision to low ball Trout is a rare error by GM Jerry Dipoto. If the Angels think Trout won’t remember this slap and slight, just wait until the time comes when Trout has the negotiating leverage. How about a $500 million contract–10 years at $50 million per year?

Michael Arnold Glueck, M.D., of Newport Beach, is an ornery curmudgeon who can be located at