The Art of Marriage


 “There are so many marriages that are struggling today, both with the young and old, in the church as well as in the community,” Terri Paulick said. “I wanted something helpful that would appeal to marriages of all ages and stages, something that would have wide appeal to the community.”

That’s why Paulick is presenting “The Art of Marriage,” a mini-retreat held at Grace Fellowship Church July 19 and 20.

“The Art of Marriage” has excellent content and an inviting approach; it gives a clear picture of Biblical principles and how they apply to marriage,” said Paulick.

“We kept the price down because we are so committed to honoring God by helping people with their marriages,” Paulick continued. “We want to encourage and strengthen people in their marriages, to build on strengths they already have, and encourage them to stay married. The event is video-driven; the points are poignant and succinct, and communicated well. It appeals to a diverse population. We would love for the community to come.”

Paulick oversees the areas of family, women, young couples and home groups at Grace.  She has a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy and now functions a pastoral counselor.

“Kim Storm and I are moderating the event,” Paulick said. “He and I are both retired from our marriage and family therapy days, but we’ll be there to support people and give referrals if needed.  Kim is a licensed clinical psychologist, and is retired from a thriving Newport Beach practice.”

“In our community, healthy marriages are a priceless commodity,” Dr. Storm said.  “Marriages form the core of our society and perpetuate the values we hold dear. We, as a church, want to make every effort to encourage healthy and fulfilling marriages. The seminar is a low threat, yet interesting approach to developing skills in marriage. I think any marriage could benefit from what is presented in this series.”

“The Art of Marriage” is produced by FamilyLife, a Christian, non-profit organization.  The event is a video experience designed for church and community settings and consists of six video sessions. According to its website, “The Art of Marriage” combines dramatic stories, real-life testimonies, expert interviews, humorous vignettes and other teaching methods to lay out God’s design for marriage in a fresh, engaging way.

 “FamilyLife has done a remarkable job of presenting areas that are familiar to all who are married, and that need to be strengthened in most marriages,” Dr. Storm said. “I like the format of personal stories illustrating developmental concepts in marriage. The individual tasks are done between couples and not in front of the audience; this promotes safely and security for the audience at large.

Paulick said that the speakers on videos range from well-known pastors to famous football players.

“The six videos deal with six stages of marriage, and do a really good job addressing common conflicts and resolution,” she said. “You hear from couples who are honest about their pain, and struggles, or even falling out of love in their marriages. They explain how they worked through their issues. It’s all well done, and ranges from funny to impactful. It’s inviting, and it gives hope.”

“The workbook that people receive is also greatly beneficial,” Paulick continued. “It’s filled with articles by professionals, and it’s very clearly and thoughtfully organized. We really want to help strengthen marriages, that’s why we are charging so little.”

 The six sessions are: Love Happens; Love Fades; Love Dances; Love Interrupted; Love Sizzles; Love Always.

The cost is $79 per couple, and includes workbooks, snacks and dessert Friday night, breakfast Saturday morning, and catered lunch. For more information, go to

 Cindy can be reached at