Surfin’ Safari



With heavy surf rolling in Tuesday, Indy Sports Editor Brian Lichterman took his camera and took a tour of Peninsula surf spots to document the action. Here is his photo report:



surf1: Skimboarders look on as bodyboarders get peeling lefts south of the Balboa Pier.


suf2: Farther south of the pier, huge lefts tear up the shores of B-Street as overhead sets were consistent all week.


Surf3: Despite a huge swell pounding the peninsula all week, Blackie’s and the Newport Pier stayed true to its mellow, slow-rolling form.


Surf4: Down at the point on 17th St. bigger lefts were coming through with hardly a person in sight.


Sursf5: Down by the bridge at the northern border of Newport, the river churned out huge walls all week.


Surf6: On the north side of the river, lifeguards kept a close watch as the sets kept coming all afternoon.


Surf7: Huge A-frames broke at The Wedge where bodysurfers ruled the water until 5 o’clock when the blackball was lifted.


Surf8: Rough waters pounding the jetty caused more than concern for some bodyboarders.


Surf9: Barrels were spitting up and down the Peninsula for bodysurfers, bodyboarders, and surfers all week, with the hollowest ones at The Wedge.


Surf10: The Wedge provided lefts and rights for bodyboarders leaving plenty of waves to go around.