— Photo by Sheila Marwaha / courtesy of Waymakers.
The Corona del Mar High School Peer Assistance Leadership group recently partnered with a Santa Ana-based nonprofit, Waymakers, on a campaign to spotlight the risks of drug and alcohol use.
PAL is dedicated to fostering an inclusive campus and raising awareness of youth issues, including substance abuse, suicide, and bullying.
The students spent two months coordinating activities for the 2019 National Red Ribbon Week. The festivities kicked off with a student-produced video announcing the campaign, inviting students to participate, and explained some of the dangers of youth drug and alcohol use.
The largest event was a banner pledge in the school quad where more than 150 students on the Corona del Mar campus pledged to be drug and alcohol-free by signing a banner that will hang in the school library as a reminder to students.
“Red Ribbon Week this year was a great success,” CdMHS student and PAL member Lauren Dickenson wrote in a statement. “We had great decorations and I thought the banner signing was really impactful.”
Waymakers encourages parents to continue the conversation with their children about drug and alcohol use. These activities were funded through the Orange County Health Care Agency’s Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention Team.
For more information, visit cdmpal.weebly.com and waymakersoc.org.

— Photo by Vanessa Valdes / CdMHS