Street Sweeping to Fully Resume June 15 in Newport Beach


The City of Newport Beach has announced that street sweeping with parking enforcement will resume June 15 after a temporary suspension that began in March as part of the COVID-19 response.

Weekly street sweeping is an essential service that removes debris from the streets and keeps pollutants from entering the ocean and waterways.

As of June 1, the City welcomes the new street sweeping vendor, Sunset Property Services

City crews have been picking up trash and hand-sweeping since March, but are unable to match the effectiveness of machine sweeping. A build-up of trash and landscaping debris on the streets presents a potential hazard for ocean water quality.

The City recognizes that street parking during sweeping is a challenge. The routes have been designed to minimize impacts. The City’s weekly sweeping is one of the most effective ways to protect our water quality and keep our City clean.

The City’s contractor currently sweeps 239 miles of streets weekly and 33 miles of alleys twice a month. Motorized sweeping removes visible and invisible debris from the streets before it goes into the storm drains. Visible debris, such as paper and leaves, can collect in the gutter, which block storm water facilities and can cause localized flooding during heavy rains.

Invisible debris, such as metal particles and other hazardous waste products left by passing vehicles, can be extremely harmful to fish and other wildlife if it reach our creeks, rivers, beaches and bays.

Visit for more information.