State Commission Considers Revised LCP Map, Amendment


The city will be before a state board next week, asking for approval on a revised Local Coastal Program map as well as amending a portion of the LCP to designate a “Planned Community” in Newport Beach and add a regulation to waive public hearings for “minor developments.”

The California Coastal Commission will consider the city’s LCP-related items during their meeting Wednesday, which starts at 9 a.m. at the Hilton hotel, 6001 La Madrona Dr., in Santa Cruz. The meeting can also be viewed live on the CCC website.

The CCC will hold a public hearing and consider amending the Implementation Plan portion of the city’s certified LCP to designate the Lido Villas community as a “Planned Community,” add a regulation to allow public hearings to be waived for ‘minor developments’, and correct a number of inconsistencies and clarify ambiguities in the language of the IP.

Coastal staff is recommending approval with some modifications.

Another CCC public hearing and action on the proposed revised map that depicts areas within Newport Beach that are “subject to the Commission’s permit and appeal jurisdiction after transfer of permit authority to the city pursuant to the Coastal Act,” according to an announcement from the city.

The Commission will consider transfer of the Commission’s retained permit jurisdiction at the Sea Scout Base/OCC School of Sailing & Seamanship, Newport Aquatic Center, US Coast Guard Station/Orange County Harbor Patrol HQ and the Balboa Bay Club and Resort, as well as two map revisions in the vicinity of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club/700 West Bay Avenue and the US Coast Guard Station/Orange County Harbor Patrol HQ.

Coastal staff is recommending a mixture of some approvals and a few rejections of each item within the proposal.

Questions regarding the report or hearing should be directed to Greg Benoit, Mapping Program Manager, at (831) 427-4863 or, or Karl Schwing, Deputy Director, at (562) 590-5071 or

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