St. Mark Offers a Blue Christmas Dec. 19


St. Mark Presbyterian Church is holding three Christmas Eve services, and for the first time a “Blue Christmas” service to be held on Saturday, Dec. 19 at 5 p.m.

Blue Christmas is a special worship experience for those whose celebrations are mingled with sadness and anxiety. It is offered to acknowledge and affirm that this season of joy can also be difficult for those who are struggling—missing a loved one, personal issues, or just needing comfort during these anxious times.

Music will include a variety of Christmas carols, meditative music, and a beautiful Advent song called “Above the Noise,” written by pastor Mark Davis.

At the beginning of the service, people will be invited to write down whatever thought or care they are carrying in their hearts. Pastor Davis will invite people to hold that slip of paper close—to own it and everything that it represents, painful or delightful. The prayers that night will be embracing our darkness and accepting God’s accompaniment in that darkness, knowing that we are not alone, and letting that assurance transform our journey into one of hope.

Worship will include a guided meditation early on, then a journey of hope, with stops along the way, toward Communion.

St. Mark is located at 2200 San Joaquin Hills Rd. Visit for more information.