Speak Up Newport Hosts Meeting on Upcoming Changes to Trash Collection


A new state law mandates that Newport Beach enacts stricter trash collection procedures, and strict enforcement.

In April 2019, Speak Up Newport presented a program on the new trash regulations that were in the works. Now, those regulations are ready to be put in place.

Join Speak Up Newport for a Zoom seminar on Wednesday, June 9 from 4 to 5 p.m. to hear how and when the City will implement major changes to how trash will be collected.

Guests for the seminar are Dave Webb, City of Newport Beach Public Works Director, and Micah Martin, City of Newport Beach Deputy Public Works Director.

Among the topics they’ll discuss:

  • The City Charter provides for free trash collection for Newport Beach Residents. Why did the City double the recycling fee when residents will now be required to recycle.
  • How else will Newport Beach meet these mandates?
  • How many trash cans will each household have to maintain? Two, three, more?
  • What requirements will Balboa Island, the Peninsula and CdM have?
  • Is the City going to have trash can inspectors check homeowners’ trash for compliance?
  • What are the penalties going to be for non -compliance?
  • How will restaurants and businesses meet the additional requirements to keep records of organic waste they dispose of?

If you have a question you would like to ask the presenters, please send it to: Question@speakupnewport.com. Attendees will also have the opportunity to submit questions during the Webinar.

To participate in this free webinar, visit http://www.speakupnewport.com/trash-collection.