Speak Up Newport Hosts Meeting on November 13 with Newport Beach Fire Marshal and NBFD Officials


With the recent surge in casualty losses caused by wildfires, insurance companies are responding by raising premiums or, in many cases, canceling policies altogether.

Join us on Wednesday, Nov. 13 for an insightful session and learn best practices in wildfire preparedness, home hardening, and recommendations to maintain wildfire insurance.

Guest Speakers Fire Marshal James Gillespie, CERT Coordinator David Gibson, and Battalion Training Chief Brian McDonough from the Newport Beach Fire Department will also provide practical tips on fire prevention, emergency readiness, and the importance of wildfire preparedness.

Additionally, they will share firsthand experiences from the front lines of the recent Airport and Park fires, giving valuable insights into fire response efforts and lessons learned.

This program will also feature “Parcel Level Mitigation for Homeowners,” offering expert advice on how to protect our properties, loved ones, and communities from the threat of wildfires.

This Speak Up Newport meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 13 at the Civic Center Community Room, 100 Civic Center Dr. Reception hosted by The Bungalow Restaurant is at 5:15 p.m. Program is 6 to 7 p.m. On-sire production provided by Visit Newport Beach. No charge to attend the meeting.

The meeting will be simulcast on Zoom. Visit www.speakupnewport.com for meeting details and to register for the Zoom webinar.