Sold Out Lobsterfest at NB Civic Center Raises Funds for Charity


After 10 years at Newport Dunes, the annual Newport Beach Lobsterfest – held this year on Sunday, Aug. 11 – moved to the Newport Beach Civic Center and was an unqualified success.

A sold-out crowd of 600 lobster fans dined on the luscious crustaceans as well as grilled NY strip steak, summer salad, red potatoes, corn-on-the-cob, drawn butter, sourdough rolls and dessert. Pinch Me! Band provided the live entertainment.

The charity event raised funds for Make-A-Wish Orange County and the Inland Empire, Leadership Tomorrow Newport Beach, and Les Dames d’Escoffier LA/OC Chapter.


All photos by Christopher Trela

Tony Reverditto is ready to enjoy a lobster feast