A Smattering of Thoughts


* The “Donald”

Recently there appeared an interesting local column that compared the heights of the world’s tallest buildings. The Donald (Trump) Building (927 feet) in New York came out significantly taller than the currently being constructed 19 story Donald (Bren) Building in Fashion Island. Once again this proves that Trump’s is larger.

*The Cheating Game

As you are aware, much has been written in columns, commentary and letters regarding the alleged CdM tutor and student grade altering scandal. The community has reacted with all sorts of suggested punishments for the students. In fairness to the School Board, someone would criticize any punishment they decided upon. Whether we admit it or not, we as the parents, teachers and school administrators all share in the blame. They are our kids and they learn from us. They copy what they see us as parents do to get ahead. We need to think out of the box and improve the system so that education is not so competitive and painful. As it has been written about elsewhere, the load of classes, homework, athletics, clubs, and social activities puts an unbearable strain on students. Most of these students are not even 18. Let’s not forget that our hands are not entirely clean in this latest scandal. Our fingerprints are everywhere.

*The Chin

We would be amiss if we didn’t comment or say goodbye to our friend and neighbor, Jay Leno. He has eased us through thick and thin for 22 years. He humored my generation through much of their middle and senior years. He was always funny but with good taste and without the agenda and vindictiveness of a David Letterman. When he signed off, he told us of the loss of his parents and brother early on after taking over The Late Show. Unfortunately for us he and his wife had no children. This is one person who should have had ten children with all becoming comedians. In these times we need more funny people. He made us laugh at ourselves. I feel as if a chunk of my day and me is now gone.

* The Ad Bowl

Although the madness is over here are my ratings for the entire Super Bowl extravaganza:

1. The Commercials (The dog and pony show).

2. The Seattle Seahawk’s Defense.

3. The Halftime Show with Bruno Mars.

4. The Weather.

5. The New Jersey and New York Hospitality.

6. The Football Game.

That is, unless you are an avid Seattle and Pete Carroll fan. There is something strange going on when the best part of the day is the commercials.

Michael Arnold Glueck of Newport Beach writes extensively on medical-legal issues and also scribes “Deep Thoughts” for the Indy.