Single Again: Letters from Readers



By Quinn | NB Indy



This column seems to resonate with many of you. The best way to know is by your feedback and comments. Here are a few that have spoken to me:

From Sharon:

“I just read your article in the Independent and found it honest and refreshing. As a dating coach for people reentering the dating world after a long term marriage or relationship, we find that technology has changed the dating game and many that have been out of the loop find it intimidating.  It is rewarding when I see someone reach their relationship goal and come from my own personal experience as a woman suddenly single at 58 after a 26 year marriage. I hope to save people the pain of mistakes and wrong choices and know that there are wonderful people to date. I have a positive outlook on the process and have been in a committed relationship for five years and found that dating has no age limit and is not for just the young, but for the young at heart.” 

And from Jean, specifically about my last piece about not wearing handcuffs:

“I was with my ex husband for 27 long years and during that time he did not support me emotionally or psychologically. At the age of 59, I walked out the door and faced living alone for the first time in my life–not an easy task– since I always lived at home with my parents, with my spouse or with my children.

Many things crossed my mind; would I ever find a new partner? What would retirement look like? And the biggest hurdle; my family who all opposed my decision. Six years later I married the man of my dreams and every day with him is a blessing. Tell your readers that if they are locked in a less than perfect relationship they must consider a change. They may not find the perfect life partner but they will be free to make choices and live a life without handcuffs.”

She also added this PS: “My children love my new husband!”

Next time I will share my own personal success, which was reached four months after exiting my own long-term marriage and the new relationship that made it all worthwhile.

If you have stories of success or even heartache or frustration, we’d love for you to share your lessons. We honor your confidentiality and will maintain your privacy. Write me at or care of the Indy.