Short Schmidt


–In February I wrote about how to get lucky on Valentine’s Day. This is a reminder to make your reservations now for next year. Four star hotels on Waikiki book early.

–“There is no there there.” After successive failed efforts to tar Obama, Hillary Clinton, SecDef nominee Chuck Hagel , and CIA nominee John Brennan with Benghazi and with no other targets left, GOP Senators let it fade into the obscurity it always deserved. Now Cong. Darrel Issa of San Diego wants to resurrect it.

–Congress has been wrestling with lots of complex issues this spring: sequestration, guns, budgets, Syria, European bank crises, Cabinet appointments, etc. Kudos to our Senator Diane Feinstein who recently helped craft a deal between business and labor on migrant workers that could pave the way to immigration reform.

–Meantime, if you’re wondering what our Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, has been up to, he just introduced H.R. 1523,  the “Respect State Marijuana Laws Act of  2013” which would legalize marijuana at the federal level to the extent it is legal at the state level. I suppose it’s very Libertarian for him to do this, but it does make you wonder about his priorities.

–The Keystone Pipeline is back in the news. Some hope it will bring down California gasoline prices. Truth is, oil producers want the pipeline to bring Canadian oil to Gulf Coast refineries where they can make gasoline for export to Europe.

–Have you been watching the new TV versions of Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales? Last week the handsome Prince’s kiss did not wake Snow White from her deep slumber, rather it aroused her, whereupon seven overly-protective dwarfs led by Grumpy beat him to death with their pick axes. Snow White ended up with Dopey who is actually a fangy blutbaden in disguise. Think I prefer the Disney/Golden Book versions which are scary enough.

–While you were watching TV coverage of the bombing at the Boston Marathon and thanking your lucky stars it was far away, police in Costa Mesa were investigating a bomb blast at a home just off Harbor Blvd. The owner, who died in the blast, apparently wrapped his house in aluminum foil to quite literally “foil” government electronic mind-reading.