Sherman Gardens Hosts Clivia and Bromeliad Shows in March

Clivia flower

Spring is almost here, the perfect time to think about planting flowers and foliage—and Sherman Library & Gardens is the perfect place to come in March to learn about two distinct plants: Clivias and Bromeliads.

March 13 & 14: Clivia Show and Sale, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The North American Clivia Society will present a two-day Clivia (pronounced cly-vee-ah) Show and Sale at Sherman Library & Gardens. Clivia plants are native to South Africa and have become quite popular with collectors. These exquisite flowering plants were named after Lady Charlotte Florentina Clive, Duchess of Northumberland, England (1787-1866).    A unique variety of clivia plants will be on display and available for purchase.

Highlights of the Clivia Show & Sale include:

  • Clivia Care and Repotting Demonstration: Saturday, March 13 at 1 p.m. Norm Nakanishi from the North American Clivia Society will teach you everything you need to know about caring for your clivia. Learn how to divide and repot, select the right potting mix as well as tips and tricks on how to grow and care for these evergreen perennial plants.
  • Flower Arranging with Clivias Demonstration: Sunday, March 14 at 1 p.m. During this demonstration, floral designer Candace Nakanishi will create simple clivia arrangements using garden foliage. One of the arrangements will be given away after the demonstration.

For more information on the North American Clivia Society, please visit

March 27 & 28: Bromeliad Show and Sale, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Come out and see the amazing diversity of bromeliads, wonders of the neo-tropics. The Bromeliad Show & Sale will feature and showcase the diverse species and cultivars within the bromeliad group. Saddleback Valley Bromeliad Society members will be on hand to answer questions about the care and culture of these wonderful plants.

Highlights of the show include:

  • Tour of the Bromeliad Collection at Sherman Gardens, Saturday, March 27 at 11:30 a.m. Sherman Horticulturist Joel Friesen will provide an introductory tour of the bromeliad collection at the Gardens. Joel is the resident ‘bromeliad whisperer’ and will highlight some of the more eccentric members of the bromeliad family while offering tips on how to successfully grow these fascinating plants in your own garden. This tour is free of charge, but pre-registration is required. Tour size is limited to ten participants so register early to secure your spot. Social distancing guidelines will be followed, and a mask-wearing policy will be strictly enforced for everyone’s safety.
  • Talk & Demonstration: Growing Bromeliads in Southern California, Saturday, March 27 & Sunday, March 28 at 1 p.m. Cristy Brenner, President of Saddleback Valley Bromeliad Society, will give a talk and demonstration that will introduce you to a selection of bromeliads and offer tips on growing them in pots, trees or rock gardens. You’ll learn about repotting, separation of pups and mounting Tillandsias (air plants) and other epiphytic Bromeliads.

The Clivia Show & Sale and the Bromeliad Show & Sale are both free with garden admission. Garden admission is only $5 for non-members, and free for members of Sherman Library & Gardens.

Sherman Library & Gardens is located at 2647 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Call (949) 673-2261 or visit for more information.