Shelter Success Story: Cat Angel

Cat Angel

Meet Cat Angel, an absolute angel.

A local family that had been live-in caretakers for a senior in our community had a change in situation. Uncertain of where they would find new housing, they made the heartbreaking decision to rehome their pets. They did not want their furry loved ones caught up in the challenges they would encounter securing an adequate living arrangement. They exhausted all means of finding a new home for their senior cat and ultimately contacted the Newport Beach Animal Shelter. After satisfying all City requests for an owner surrender, Cat Angel joined the Shelter animal family.

Cat Angel was around eight years old at the time and may have been a prior shelter or street resident. Shelter staff noticed she was thin and had difficulty eating. Mariners Mile Pet Clinic performed a wellness check where they found that she had stomatitis, a painful disease of the mouth that can happen at any age. Cat Angel received the exact treatment she needed to thrive including teeth extractions, an antibiotic regimen for the infection, and a few other medical incidentals.

Cat Angel

Cat Angel handled her surgery like a champ and within days she blossomed. She became affectionate towards staff and volunteers, began eating better, put on some weight, and began grooming her beautiful long fur herself. Cat Angel’s recovery brought so much joy to everyone at the Shelter and, most importantly, she was happy.

Not long after Cat Angel began to flourish, the Shelter was contacted by a kind couple that asked to come meet her. They immediately knew she was the “purrfect” cat for them. Now Cat Angel is rehomed and living a full life with her new, forever family.

For more information on the Newport Beach Animal Shelter, visit the Friends of the Newport Beach Animal Shelter at