Several Hundred Residents Turn Out for Annual Spyglass Hill Meet ‘N Greet Picnic


Several hundred local residents turned out for the 9th annual Spyglass Hill Meet and Greet Picnic on Sunday, Sept. 25 at Spyglass Hill Park.

The event was sponsored by Spyglass Hill HOA, Newport Beach City Council and many local businesses, and was organized by the Spyglass Hill Picnic Committee under the guidance of picnic director Laurie Horn with the help of honorary Mayor Therese Loutherback.

Local businesses had displays as well as the NB Police Department. Kids enjoyed face painting, puppy petting, and games such as sack races. Trainer Derrick Dupler was back with his spectacular Epic Standard Poodles, who delighted young and old alike.

TK Burgers was on hand to feed the hungry throng.

Spotted in the crowd: Newport Beach Mayor Will O’Neill, Newport Beach Council Member Diane Dixon, City Council Candidate Joe Stapleton, and City Council Candidate Robyn Grant.



Epic Standard Poodles

Newport Beach City Council Member Diane Dixon, City Council Candidate Robyn Grant
City Council Member Will O’Neill, Bruce Horn, City Council candidate Joe Stapleton