On Faith: Second Annual EQ Seminar at Mariner’s Church

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Dr. John Townsend
Dr. John Townsend

“I’m really excited to let our community know about our upcoming EQ Event,” said Jack West, Pastor of Care and Recovery at Mariners Church. “We have two incredible speakers; it is going to be a great seminar and a very helpful one. It’s for anybody interested in better understanding the world of emotions and improving their relationships at home or in the workplace. In other words, it’s for everybody.”

The EQ seminar takes place Saturday, May 21 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is $25.

“EQ stands for emotional quotient; it’s how we measure emotional intelligence,” West explained. “When we are tuned in emotionally to ourselves and to others, our relationships are rich and rewarding. Likewise when we are out of tune, even healthy relationships can be draining. The EQ event will help us raise our EQ, and become emotionally smarter and more successful. Research points to the fact that having a high IQ doesn’t necessarily correlate with success in relationally driven jobs. We need a healthy EQ to build trust, to have empathy, and to know how to lead others. These are key to being productive and successful.”

“Not only will a strong EQ help us better understand and navigate the relationships in our jobs, but it makes a tremendous difference in our marriages too,” he continued. “If your marriage isn’t good, your life isn’t good. Marriage is a barometer relationship. How you’re doing in that relationship will ultimately determine how you’re doing in all other relationships. We want to help people navigate that better for deeper intimacy.”

The two speakers for the seminar are Dr. David Stoop and Dr. John Townsend.

Dr. David Stoop is a clinical psychologist, speaker, and author of over 30 books. He is the founder and director of thedr-dave-stoop-2(1) Center for Family Therapy in Newport Beach. His latest book, “SMART-Love: How EQ can transform your marriage,” is coming out in February. He will be focusing on EQ in marriage and relationships.

Dr. John Townsend, PhD, is a New York Times bestselling author, business consultant, leadership coach and psychologist. He has written or co-written 27 books; his latest book is called “The Entitlement Cure: Finding Success in Doing Hard Things The Right Way.” He will focus on EQ in business and the workplace.

“We are so fortunate to have the two speakers, West said. “They are very gracious in being willing to do this for us. These men are experts, and while they are coming from a Christian perspective, this isn’t a Bible study and we welcome different faith perspectives. I think this is a conversation our culture is having, particularly in the business world right now, and we want to be a part of the conversation.”

“This is our second annual EQ seminar.  We had a great one last year with experts in the areas of Psychology, Pastoral Care and Therapeutic Art. This year we’re building on that and being very practical. Next year we are planning on expanding it into more of a conference to hit even more areas, including parenting.”

West said that many Christians undervalue the role emotions play in life and are missing out on richness in relationships.

“God created us with emotions,” he said. “The entire book of Psalms in the Bible is dedicated to emotions and speaks to our inner experiences, especially with God.  God participates in our emotional experiences and walks through them all with us.  He wants us to have a healthy emotional life with Him and with others.”

For more information or to register, go to marinerschurch.org and search EQ.

Contact Cindy at cindy@onthegrow.com.




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