“Sea Gypsies” is a Wild Voyage


sea gypsies 2Whenever I watch a nautical film that is based on little boating experience or “fly by the seat of your pants” long distance cruising, I am simply amazed by sheer blind luck or divine intervention, (or both), which is the case with “Sea Gypsies” in this year’s Film Festival.

My personal experience of more than 10,000 hours of sailing and power boating, commercially and for pleasure, have caused me to observe a drowning in Avalon, plus various broken bones, cuts, scrapes and bruises.

Therefore, I do take pause when a 120-foot steel ketch (in this case, the Infinity) travels from New Zealand to Patagonia, Chile without physical mishap, although there are perilous adventures and mechanical issues that my boating experience can attest to that provides an accurate interpretation in their film.

I heartily recommend that our Newport Harbor boating community, and others appreciating wanderlust, attend and witness this superb sailing documentary.

I found myself becoming a little squeamish based on my experience managing and skippering short and long voyages. Rarely have I observed others boating without great forethought and planning in advance that safety equipment is checked and inspected and the mechanical equipment is serviced and prepped for the voyage planned.

I guess by now you have an idea that the 8,000-mile voyage undertaken by Infinity and her crew may have some interesting twists and turns involved

Sea Gypsies will be shown at the Island Cinema on April 26 at 7:45 p.m. The film will entertain, fascinate and exasperate sailors of all experiences. Some language may not be suitable for children.

Visit NewportBeachFilmFest.com for details and tickets.

sea gypsies