School Notes


District Distributes School Calendar Survey

Newport Mesa Unified School District is seeking input from the community determining the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school calendar.

The big question in a survey distributed by the district is whether or not to start the school year earlier.

“Traditionally, the first day of the school year for NMUSD is the day after Labor Day. An earlier start date would allow for an earlier release time in June and/or an extended break during Thanksgiving. Both of these issues have been raised by stakeholders over the years,” the survey reads.

NMUSD’s school calendars are developed after receiving feedback from various stakeholder groups through a Calendar Committee representing students, parents, teachers, administrators, and staff, and  state, county and district codes and practices.

The Calendar Committee has recommended that a survey be performed to determine if the community would be willing to consider alternatives to the NMUSD calendar.

The traditional 2014-15 school calendar is already approved.

For more information, visit or access the survey directly at


Junior Dance Camp

Corona del Mar Orchesis Dance Company is holding their annual junior camp for kindergarten through sixth graders next week.

The camp will be held May 28-29 from 3:30-5 p.m. in the CdMHS Dance Room.

The camp is for all levels of dancers interested in exploring dance and getting a taste of the Orchesis style of dance.

Students will learn a dance routine led by the Orchesis team members. All participants will receive an Orchesis camp t-shirt and snacks. At the end of camp, participants will perform their routines for family and friends.

Also, for the first time ever, junior campers are invited to perform at the upcoming Spring District Dance Festival, which features dancers from NMUSD high schools.

The festival will be held June 5 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in Loats Theater at Newport Harbor High School.

For more information, contact Jillian Griffin at or at (949) 584-6535.