School Board OKs Tech Contracts


The school board approved several informational and educational technology-related agreements during Tuesday’s meeting.

The relevant agreements include: A $7,459.75 per year, three-year contract for aerial photo maps and computer software; a $3,000 one-year contract for online courses; and a $2,822.06 one-year contract with an online IT book resource.

Under the agreement with Eagle Aerial Imaging in Irvine, the company will provide aerial photo maps and computer software to facilitate the use of aerial photos used during daily work projects.

The contract starts July 1 and is valid through June 30, 2014, and is not to exceed $7459.75 every year.

The board also approved an agreement between the Orange County Superintendent of Schools and the district for ANGEL Learning licenses. The agreement is not to exceed $3,000.

ANGEL Learning is an online education program offered to NMUSD students.

More than 5,000 students have enrolled in online classes since the district began offering them in the summer of 2004, according to the staff report. The district offers classes in American government, economics, health and driver’s education.

An agreement between the district and Safari Books Online gives the district access to Safari’s subscription-based digital library that has a wide range of books, videos and articles on informational, business, and creative technology.

This resource will hopefully provide education on troubleshooting issues and problem solving ideas for various tech projects.

The agreement will give the district five user licenses, allowing unlimited access to SBO’s over 6,000 titles, according to the staff report.

Also on Tuesday’s agenda was the renewal of the district’s annual agreement with Zonar Systems for a maximum of $53,995.64 for GPS, vehicle inspection and student tracking devices. The agreement ensures that all the devices are continually updated and current, according to the staff report.