Rosansky Named Chamber CEO


Tim Brown, chairman of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce board of directors, sent an email to chamber members and press announcing that Steve Rosansky has been appointed permanent president and chief executive officer of the chamber. The board appointed Rosansky as the Interim President/CEO in January of this year.

Steve Rosansky in December of 2012 by his former seat on city council. — Photo by Jim Collins
Steve Rosansky in December of 2012 by his former seat on city council.
— Photo by Jim Collins

“Under the leadership of Mr. Rosansky, the NBCC has seen its membership grow and attendance at its events increase, signaling a renewed confidence in our long-trusted business and community organization,” wrote Brown in his email. “In a very short time, Mr. Rosansky has had a significant impact on the NBCC. A “Leadership Circle,” designed for large businesses within Newport Beach to become more involved in the direction of the NBCC, has been implemented. NBCC signature events like the Police Appreciation Breakfast drew record attendance this spring. Our monthly Government Affairs Committee meeting, now known as “Wake-Up Newport,” has been moved to the Friends Room located at the Newport Beach Main Library in order to accommodate the increased interest in our guest speakers.”

In addition, Brown said that Jeff Parker, long time vice president of operations and communications at the NBCC, will assume additional responsibilities for day-to-day operations at the NBCC. Chief operating officer will be added to his title.

“We look forward to many more innovations that Mr. Rosansky and Mr. Parker will implement to reach their goal of making our Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce the most influential and trusted business and community resource in Newport Beach,” added Brown.

Prior to his chamber appointment, Rosansky represented district 2 for nine years on the Newport Beach Council with one term as mayor (2006-2007). He and his wife Gina have lived in Newport Beach since 1985.