River Sand Relocation Project to Begin Sept. 28 in Newport Beach


A project to remove accumulated sand from the Santa Ana River outlet and redistribute it along the Newport Beach coastline will begin Sept. 28. OC Public Works is the lead agency on the project, in coordination with the City of Newport Beach.

Sand removal at the river outlet is done each year in the fall to enhance flood control prior to the storm season. As an added benefit, the high-quality sand is placed along the beach to provide erosion protection and enhance the surf.

OC Public Works and the City of Newport Beach are advising the public to be aware of the presence of heavy equipment at the river outlet and large trucks on the beaches, and to maintain a safe distance.

Crews will be working Monday through Friday from Sept. 28 through sometime in November.

An estimated 30,000 cubic yards of sand will be removed from the river outlet and deposited in two general locations: between 40th Street and 48th Street and on both sides of the Balboa Pier.