Residential Burglary Reported in Big Canyon


Newport Beach Police sent out a message Monday, alerting locals to a residential burglary in Big Canyon that happened over the weekend.

The burglary occurred Saturday around 8:30 p.m. at a home on Cherry Hills Ln., according to the statement.

While the victim was out of town, an unknown suspect was able to access the property from the nearby golf course. The suspect climbed over the backyard wall and broke a rear window to gain entry into the home.

Once inside, the suspect ransacked several rooms and went through cabinets and drawers. The suspect was able to get into a wall safe before fleeing the scene, police reported.

No loss of property was reported. No suspect was seen or heard.

Police also used the message to share some home security tips to “harden the target,” including always lock windows and doors when going out, even if for only a few minutes.

 Police also used the message as an opportunity to remind residents to report any suspicious activity by calling NBPD at (949) 644-3717.

Newport Beach Police Department shared their home security checklist following a burglary this week. (Click to view and download the full checklist)
— Courtesy NBPD