Residential Burglaries in Ocean Heights and Dover Shores


On August 19, two residential burglaries were reported on Ocean Heights Dr. in the Ocean Heights Community.

Burglary number one occurred between approximately 4 p.m. on August 17 and 5 p.m. on August 18.

While the house was unoccupied, unknown suspect(s) accessed the backyard of the property, broke a window, and entered into a first floor bedroom. Inside, the suspect(s) ransacked the bedroom and the closet before fleeing the scene.

Loss: None. Suspect Info: None.

Burglary number two occurred between approximately: 4 p.m. on August 17 and 5 a.m. on August 18.

While the house was unoccupied, unknown suspect(s) accessed the side of the house and attempted to break a window without success. The suspect(s) then went to the backyard of the property, shattered a glass door, and entered the master bedroom. Inside, the suspect(s) rummaged through drawers and the closet before fleeing the scene.

Loss: Unknown. Suspect Info: None.

A residential burglary recently occurred in the Dover Shores Community, 200 Block of North Star Ln. around approximately 3 p.m. on August 14.

Around 2:55 p.m., the victim left her house and noticed a suspicious vehicle following her for a couple of blocks before making a U-turn. The suspect vehicle then returned to the victim’s unoccupied house. The suspect(s) accessed the side of the house and entered the house through the kitchen window. Inside, the suspect(s) went straight to the master bedroom, ransacked two closets, and rummaged through dressers and nightstands. The suspects then fled the scene.

Loss: Jewelry, watches, handbags.

Suspect Info: Two white males; one wearing a black shirt, the other wearing a green shirt. Suspect Vehicle: Grey Audi Q7

If you see suspicious activity within your neighborhood (especially at a home where you know your neighbors are on vacation, have gone out for the evening, or their home is for sale), please call the Newport Beach Police Department immediately at (949) 644-3717.