Recount of Council Race Underway

A screenshot of the live view video of the recount process of the Newport Beach City Council District 3 results.
— Screenshot from OC Registrar video

The recount of the Newport Beach City Council District 3 results officially began Wednesday.

As of Friday morning, no changes have been reported. About 6,300 ballots have been counted. A total of 36,910 votes were cast in the Duffield-Stoaks race.

In the tightest race in years, only 36 votes separated the two candidates for the District 3 seat in the results certified by the Orange County Registrar of Voters.

The certified results show incumbent and current mayor Marshall “Duffy” Duffield and challenger Tim Stoaks both with 50 percent of the votes. Duffield received 18,458 votes, while Stoaks tallied 18,422.

For the first time in recent memory in Newport Beach, a recount has been requested for the local race from the Nov. 6 election. Residents Tim Stephens, Laurie Preedge and Susan Skinner requested the recount last week.

Updates, live video, and more information on the recount can be found on the Registrar’s website here:

A recount is underway for the race between Newport Beach City Council challenger Tim Stoaks (left) and incumbent Marshall “Duffy” Duffield, for the District 3 seat.
— Photos by Sara Hall ©