If You Can Read This, Help Someone Who Can’t


Newport/Mesa ProLiteracy has just been awarded a $7,500 grant from The PIMCO Foundation. The foundation,  based in Newport Beach, supports community organizations that help people in need to lead more rewarding and responsible lives.

ProLiteracy, a Newport Beach Public Library program, fits that description perfectly. The nonprofit organization, which was started in 1986, provides free literacy instruction to adults who live or work in the local community.

Cherall Weiss, the Literacy Coordinator says, “People are always amazed by our longevity and a typical comment is ‘What? Illiteracy in our area? Yeah right.’ It is estimated that there are more than 7,000 folks in NB that have literacy issues.”

Weiss also points out that the program has a waiting list of adult learners who are anxious to start working with a tutor.

ProLiteracy currently serves more than 130 adult learners in the program and has more than 100 tutors.  The program is dependent on volunteers, as it is staffed by two part-timers. In 2010, the program logged nearly 10,000 volunteer hours.

“We are very excited to receive this grant,” said Weiss, “The PIMCO Foundation recognizes the need for Literacy Services and the importance of our work in helping individuals improve their English reading, writing, and communication skills.”

According to Weiss, the $7,500 grant will be used to help continue to provide learning materials, group classes, and support for the program’s growing population of adult learners.

Weiss, who began as a volunteer seven years ago and took over as Literacy Coordinator in 2005,  has so much respect for the adults who are served by this program, for their dedication and hard work toward reaching their goal of literacy.

When asked to share some of the success stories, she beams with pride.

“There are so many and I love to toot [the clients’] horns so it is hard to narrow it down,” she says. Nevertheless, she point to three (names have been changed, for privacy):

* Sarah has been living in the U.S. for almost 30 years and has been a citizen for nearly 20, yet she never voted because she did not understand the process or the ballot initiatives.  In 2008, after working with her tutor on the voter guide, Sarah voted for the very first time.

* Jane’s husband recently lost her job and she wanted to help out with the expenses.  She worked with a tutor and attended many literacy classes until she developed the skills and confidence she needed to go and interview.  On her first try, she was hired at Macy’s and has quickly become among the favorites in the department that she works in.

* John drives a fancy car, lives in a nice home, but read at a 3rd grade level when he came to the program.  He is now reading newspapers and novels, and doing things he never thought possible before, including being able to more fully participate in community activities. 

PIMCO joins other companies – PacificLife, State Street, and Allergan – that have awarded grants to ProLiteracy.

ProLiteracy has its office at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach, and receives essential support from the City of Newport Beach, but is responsible for raising nearly 50 percent of its overall budget.

For more information about Newport/Mesa Pro Literacy, visit the website at www.newportliteracy.org, call (949) 717-3874  or email literacy@city.newport-beach.ca.us.