Police Stepping up DUI Enforcement Through Labor Day


The Newport Beach Police Department is joining fellow law enforcement agencies in the nationwide Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign, which runs now through Sept. 2.

Newport Beach police will have additional officers patrolling for drivers suspected of being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. It’s also operating a DUI/driver’s license checkpoint from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. in an undisclosed location in Newport Beach.

“There are so many ways to get home safely without driving,” Newport Beach police Lt. Joseph Cartwright wrote in a statement. “Driving while drunk or high is dangerous, irresponsible and causes too many senseless tragedies. We hope that drivers get the message that driving impaired will never be tolerated.”

Labor Day Weekend is one of the deadliest times of the year for crashes involving alcohol. During the 2017 Labor Day weekend, more than a third of 376 fatal traffic collisions nationwide involved a drunk driver.

Newport Beach police also want drivers to remember that prescribed medications, over-the-counter drugs, and marijuana can impair their ability to drive safely. Community members are encouraged to enlist a designated driver or use a ride-hailing service if they plan to drink alcohol or take medication that impacts their ability to drive,

Motorists should call 911 if they observe someone who appears to be driving under the influence.

The additional DUI enforcement is possible because of grant funding from the California Office of Traffic Safety and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.