Police Blotter


Tuesday, June 18

Carrying a loaded fire arm. 4:20 p.m. Newport Coast Drive and Coast Highway. A private investigator from Laguna Hills was pulled over for a vehicle code violation. The man admitted to the police officer that he had two guns in his car, which he carried in his employment earlier that day. The guns were not stored appropriately in the car in keeping the P.I.’s permits. He was arrested and held on $500 bail.


Monday, June 17

Grand theft, residential. 6:54 a.m. 400 block of 39th St. Upon numerous occurrences, suspects stole from a residence’s unlock shed an patio various things including sports equipment, kitchen equipment, artwork, tools, and household items. The items were valued at $12,880.

Commercial burglary. 5:25 p.m. 500 block of S. Bayfront Ave. Two Irvine men, a student and a photo scanner, stole alcohol from a store. They admitted their thievery was on account of being underage. They were arrested an each held on $20,000 bail.


Saturday, June 15

Residential burglary. 9:24 a.m. 2800 block of Felipe. Entering a residence via unknown means, an unknown suspect stole two rings valued at $30,000.


Friday, June 14

Commercial burglary. 9:47 a.m. 100 block of Bayview Pl. An unknown suspect(s) entered a business through a rear door by unknown means and proceeded to steal a safe, a box of business checks, and cash all totaling $11,050.


— Compiled by Justin Swanson