Police Blotter


Monday, May 27


Assisted burglary. 2:45 to 3 a.m. Cagney Lane and Scholz Plaza. Officers responding to a call from a security guard found a Costa Mesa man who had stolen a bicycle. They determined the other man with him, a Huntington Beach resident, acted as a lookout. Both were arrested and held on $50,000 bail.


Grand theft. 9:20 a.m. First block of Pelican Point Dr. A Costa Mesa woman was arrested by responding officers for having stolen $13,900 in watches from the victim’s residence.


Boat burglary. 4:51 p.m. 3300 block of Via Lido. Unknown suspect(s) accessed a boat through a mid-level window and proceeded to steal a laptop computer and an external hard drive worth $2,200. Damage to the boat window cost $1,000.


Saturday, May 25


Grand theft. 9:36 a.m. 22700 block of Pelican Hill Rd. A victim left a ring  worth $100,000 at the scene of the crime. When the victim returned to it, the ring was gone.


Thursday, May 23


Hot prowl. 8:13 p.m. 900 block of W. Ocean Front. A suspect or suspects stole a briefcase and its contents from a residence. The brief case and some of its contents were found by another individual the next day. The difference in what was stolen and what was recovered is $325.


— Compiled by Justin Swanson