Police Blotter


Wednesday, Feb. 12

False impersonation. 12:20 a.m. Granada Way and Irvine Avenue, Costa Mesa. An Anaheim resident was contacted during a routine traffic stop. The man provided a false name to the police officer because he had outstanding warrants. The officer arrested the man for both the warrants and impersonating another person. He was held on $20,000 bail.


Tuesday, Feb. 11

Counterfeit currency. 4:30 p.m. First block of Corporate Plaza. When a man withdrew money from Wells Fargo Bank, he believed he was given a counterfeit $20 bill. The bank requested he file a police report to document the incident.


Saturday, Feb. 9

Grand theft. 2:10 p.m. 600 block of Acacia Ave. While in the process of moving and having construction done his home, a victim’s laptop was stolen out of his garage. The computer was valued at $1,199.

Residential burglary. 6:50 p.m. First block of Sea Island Dr. A person entered a residence through an unlocked door and stole a laptop and two iPods valued at $1,650.


Friday, Feb. 8

Commercial burglary. 7:02 p.m. 400 block of Old Newport Rd. The suspect smashed the front window of a business with a rock, entered through the window, and stole $4,000 worth of silver flatware.

Boat engine theft. 8:40 p.m. 1900 block of W. Coast Hwy. An unknown suspect removed an engine from a boat on a trailer. The engine was valued at $2,500.

Battery, emergency and personal. 11:15 p.m. 300 block of Bayside Dr. Officers responded to a call of a physical altercation between security personnel and a patron at a restaurant. The patron, a Berkeley resident, was arrested and transported to Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian for minor injuries. While at the hospital, he spit on a nurse. Police brought him back to jail where he was charged with two counts of battery and held on $500 bail.


— Compiled by Justin Swanson