Police Blotter





9/29/10 09:33 1500 block of Monrovia Ave., grand theft from vehicle, $1,285.

9/29/10 11:32 3600 block of East Coast Hwy., petty theft, $325.

9/29/10 19:53 500 block of Newport Center Dr., vehicle burglary, $1,500.

10/01/10 15:54 22700 block of Pelican Hill Rd., lost property, $50,000.

10/2/10 22:06 200 block of 6th St., residential burglary, $1,300.

10/2/10 21:30 600 block of Newport Center Dr., grand theft, $10,200.

10/3/10 08:17 West Coast Highway and Superior Avenue, vehicle burglary, $1,800.

10/3/10 08:48 Balboa Boulevard and 19th Street, vehicle burglary, $910.

10/3/10 08:26 5900 block of Seashore Dr., vehicle burglary, $1037 stolen and $2,400 estimated damage.

10/4/10 14:15 2000 block of E. Balboa Blvd., residential burglary, $20,000.





9/29/10 14:30 2800 block of Lighthouse Ln., 20002(A) hit and run: property damage, $50,000 bail.

9/30/10 10:15 Balboa and Amethyst avenues, 459 commercial robbery, $20,000 bail.

9/30/10 13:45 800 block of Santa Barbara Dr., 368(D) theft from an elderly or DEP adult of $400 or more, $50,000 bail.

9/30/10 15:00 2100 block of Vista Laredo, 496(A) recovered known stolen property, $20,000 bail.

10/1/10 19:00 58th Street and Seashore Drive, 496(A) recovered known stolen property, $20,000.

10/1/10 23:24 First block of Ocean Vista, 243(B) batter of a police officer/emergency person/etc, $2,500.43rd

10/1/10 07:30 Birch Street and Jamboree Road, 485 appropr lost property, $500 bail.

10/1/10 13:30 Dover Drive and Coast Highway, 487(A) grand theft: money/labor/property of $400 or more, $20,000 bail.

10/2/10 22:45 900 block of Baypointe Dr., 242 battery on person, $500 bail.

10/2/10 17:40 43rd Street on the beach, 496(A) recovered known stolen property, $20,000 bail.

10/2/10 14:40 Dover Drive and Castaways Lane, 459 burglary, $50,000 bail.

10/2/10 14:40 Dover and Castaways, 459 burglary, $50,000 bail.