Peotter’s Picks, Part I

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Since over 27,000 absentee ballots will go to Newport Beach voters next week, I thought I would give my voting recommendations for the propositions on the November ballot. In case you are a Newport Beach City Councilman, I do NOT purport to provide independent analysis of these issues. Anybody who knows me, knows that I am very opinionated. But most will also tell you that I always like to hear all sides before making up my mind. Be forewarned though, I come from a very freedom-minded, small-government, and conservative perspective.

Although space does not permit me to explain each proposition in great detail, I do try to explain the proposition and give my reasoning for my recommendation. I would consider it an honor to have you use this voter guide as one of your many resources for this November’s elections. Remember to vote, regardless as to your positions. Our Republic thrives on informed voters.

For space reasons, I’ll tackle Props. 30-34 this week, and the rest next Friday.

Prop. 30 (Jerry Brown’s Tax Increase): NO

Proposition 30 will increase taxes on everyone in California. The backers claim to tax the rich, but it raises sales taxes for everyone. Progressives usually declare that sales taxes are regressive, meaning that the poor pay a disproportionally higher percentage of their income through this tax, than do the rich.

Sacramento tries to justify it by saying it will be for the kids. The revenues are required to go to the schools. But that is only because if they said it was going to bloated bureaucracies and inflated $200,000 lifeguard pensions, who would vote for it? Face it: Sacramento has a spending problem not a revenue problem. It is time to put them on a diet, just VOTE NO.

Prop. 31 (Two-Year Budget Cycle): NO

Proposition 31 will require a 2-year state budget and other reforms, such as identifying revenue sources for any new spending. Sounds good huh? But they don’t tell you about the new state bureaucracy needed to implement this, and that it gives more power to the governor to modify the budget.

Many good people are on both sides of this issue. The bottom line to me is that if it is truly reform as the advocates, like the “progressive” California Forward, claims, then why will it cost more money rather than less? In this case it seems as though the prescription for too much government is more government.

Prop 32 (Ban on Corporate and Union paycheck deductions): YES

Well, I covered this  The Straight Scott on Sept. 21. This will level the playing field and disconnect the link between lawmakers and unions/corporations. By cutting off union and corporate payroll deductions, people will have to voluntarily donate their money and they tend to NOT donate it to their (union) boss.

This is the most important proposition on the ballot. It needs a YES vote to STOP the money from special interests.

Prop 33 (Car insurance rates can be based on a person’s history of insurance coverage): YES

This will allow an insurance company to offer a loyalty discount to anyone that can show continuous coverage, not just to its own existing customers.

This is good, as it offers more of a free market. Too bad we couldn’t just remove the regulation instead of re-regulating it.

Any questions, feel free to contact me at Further detail can be had at

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