Parents Invited to Night of Knowledge



Newport Harbor High School PTA are teaming up with the Newport Beach Police Department to host a Night of Knowledge at 7 p.m. on Wednesday at the school’s library.

The event will include an informative presentation with a panel of experts sharing valuable information regarding drugs and alcohol, the community and students.

Experts on hand will include NBPD Officer Vlad Anderson, Dr. Matt Kaplan, Dr. Honey Thames, PhD, and former NHHS student Justin Eakin.

There has been a rash of drug use, particularly heroin, in the area and among students, organizers noted. Crime, including car break-ins and theft, are also often reported in the area.

It’s a widespread problem, said parent Julie Lenk, and it’s not necessarily an outside that problem that’s coming into the community.

“We have to realize that there is a problem here,” she said. “We have to get this message out to save our kids’ lives.”

It’s important to raise awareness, educate parents, school staff and community members, and be proactive, she added.


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