Panel for Superintendent Search Named


The group of school district and community members that will help choose a new superintendent were appointed on Tuesday.

The Newport-Mesa Unified School District selected the volunteers for the Superintendent Selection Community Interview Group during the school board’s regular meeting.

The group will participate in interviews of the board recommended final candidates to succeed Jeffrey Hubbard, who was terminated as superintendent after his conviction on two felony charges relating to his tenure as superintendent of the Beverly Hills school district.

Representatives include the co-president of the Newport Harbor Educational Foundation for the 2011-12 year, Colleen Barney, as the second parent representative for the NH high school zone, Harbor Council PTA president Lisa Boler, Peter Jackson for the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, NHHS Senior Paul Tadross for the Student Board, and Charles Masters as the Newport Beach city representative.

The Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce will not have a representative on the committee.

Other Newport Beach and Corona del Mar representatives include parent representatives Julie Means and Angela Evans for Corona del Mar, and Jennifer Burks for Newport Harbor; and community member at large Vicki Martini for Newport Beach;

A few noteworthy representatives from Costa Mesa include Mayor Pro Tem Jim Righeimer for the city, Councilman Steve Mensinger for Costa Mesa United, and the city’s Chamber of Commerce representative, Becky Gogel.

The rest of the group members include parent representatives Ana Figueroa and Vicki Snell for Estancia, and Lori Dauncey and Michelle Christensen for Costa Mesa; Community members at large Patty Christiansen for Costa Mesa; District English Learner Advisory Committee representative Marbella Venegas; student board member Danielle Dickey; Newport Mesa Schools Foundation President Barbara Harrington; Coastline Community College District Dr. Dennis Harkins; Newport Mesa Federation of Teachers President Kimberley Claytor and members Ines Vicente, Sarah Auwarter, and Jean Bain; California School Employees Association’s First Vice President Cathie Ropp and Secretary Vicky Wyman; Newport Mesa Administration Association chose Estancia HS Principal Kirk Bauermeister and Killybrooke Elementary School Principal Lorie Hoggard; and Newport Mesa Supervisor representative Bea Volper.

During Tuesday’s meeting the board also approved several agreements regarding the construction projects at Corona del Mar high and middle school, including contracts with C.E.M. Lab Corporation for soil testing and inspections for the Corona del Mar high school north parking lot and performing arts center and middle school enclave projects.

The district is required by the Department of State Architects to verify proper soil compaction and proper use of all materials used during construction.

The company will test soil, concrete and reinforcing steel, structural steel and bolting, masonry and waterproofing, fabrication, expansion and epoxy anchor and shot pins, and glulam members.

The board also approved advertising for the Corona del Mar North Parking Lot Improvement and Pool Locker Room Addition projects.

The locker room project is being sponsored by the CdM Community Aquatics Facilities Foundation, which has acquired funds from the city, 2011 senior class, Office of Public School Construction and the CSM Foundation to pay for construction.

The locker room project is anticipated to be constructed this summer.