Pair of Burglaries in Same Building Reported


Police are investigating two office burglaries that occurred in the same building in he same time period and totaled approximately $88,870 in losses.

The Newport Beach Police Department responded to two burglary calls at an office building the 3300 block of W. Coast Highway.

The first break-in was reported at a medical office where the thief got away with $84,200 worth of property.

Among the stolen items were several paintings valued at $3,000 each, several laptops, two computers, a 60-65-inch TV, two stethoscopes and other medical equipment, and a bronze statue worth $7,000.

The suspect apparently pried open one of the building’s interior doors that opened into the office, said police Crime Prevention Specialist Andi Querry.

It was unknown if the building doors were locked or not at the time of the theft, Querry added.

The suspect locked the door after exiting, she said.

During the same time period, another suite in the same building was burgled. The door latch to the business was defeated, according to the report.

Approximately $4,670 worth of property was stolen, including four laptop computers.

Both cases are ongoing police investigations and anyone with relevant information is urged to call NBPD.