On-line Church and Temple Services


Compiled by Cindy Christeson

During times of crisis, many people turn to faith for comfort. Fortunately, many local churches are adapting to our current situation by providing on-line ways to worship. Here is a list of available local online services. This list will be updated as needed.

Community Church, Congregational: cdmucc.org.

Grace Fellowship Church: https://gracefellowshipchurch.org./about/grace-response-coronavirus

Liberty Baptist Church: libertybaptistchurch.org

Mariners Church: marinerschurch.org.

Newport Center United Methodist Church: https://www.facebook.com/newportcenterumc

Our Lady Queen of Angels: olqa.org

Redeemer Orange County: https://redeemeroc.org

Rock Harbor Church: https://rockharbor.org

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church: https://www.sapres.org

St. James Anglican Church Newport Mesa: https://www.stjamesnb.org

St. James Episcopal: stjamesnewport.org

St. Mark Presbyterian Church: https://www.facebook.com/stmarkpresbyterian/videos/1756746007801425/?vh=e&d=n

St. Matthew’s Church: https://youtu.be/mkpHoSLzrAU

Viewpoint Church: https://viewpoint.online.church

Watermark Church: https://www.watermark.org

Chabad Newport: chabad newoprt

Temple Bat Yahm: http://www.tby.org

Cindy can be reached at cindy@onthegrow.com