On Faith: Easter Church Services in Newport Beach

Our Lady Queen of Angels

Note: All listings are for Sunday, April 4 unless otherwise noted. Some churches are not listed because they don’t have enough space for their members, though they hope to see you in the future. 

Christ Church by the Sea: 10 a.m.  https://christbytheseanb.org/weekly-worship, (949) 673-3805

Corona del Mar Community Church, Congregational (611 Heliotrope Ave): 10 a.m., masks required, limited seating, (949) 644-7400, www.cdmucc.org.

Eternity Church: 10 a.m. Hyatt Regency Ballroom, 1107 Jamboree Rd., https://www.eternitychurchoc.com, (949) 299-6764

Liberty Baptist Church (1000 Bison Ave.): 8:30 a.m. (mask required), 10 a.m. (mask optional). (949) 760-5444, www.libertybaptistchurch.org

Lutheran Church of the Master (2900 Pacific View Dr.): 10 a.m. outdoors, (949) 759-1031, www.lightofthemaster.net

Mariners Church (5001 Newport Coast Dr.): April 3 at 2:30, 4 & 5:50 p.m.; April 4 at 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., (949) 769-8100, www.marinerschurch.org

Newport Center United Methodist Church (1601 Marguerite Ave): 10 a.m. (outdoors – bring chair and mask), (949)-644-0745, https://www.newportcenterumc.org

Newport Harbor Lutheran Church: (798 Dover Dr.): 9:15 a.m. indoors, mask required, www.nhlcs.org

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church (1441 West Balboa Blvd.): April 3: 7:40 p.m. inside, April 4:  8,10 a.m. in courtyard, (949) 673-3775, https://www.olmc.net

Our Lady Queen of Angels: (2406 Mar Vista Dr.), virtual and on line 7, 8:20, 10:15 a.m., 12 p.m., (949)644-0200, www.olqa.org

Redeemer Orange County: meets at Temple Bath Yahm (1011 Camelback St): 10 a.m., outdoors or online at https://redeemeroc.org

Rock Harbor Church: (345 Fischer Ave, CM): 8:30,10 a.m. (with livestream), 11:30 a.m. (masks required), (714) 384-0914, https://rockharbor.org

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (600 St. Andrews Rd), online and in person. April 3: 5:50 p.m., April 4: 8, 9:30, 11 a.m. reservations required, (949) 574-2200,  https://www.sapres.org

St. James Anglican Church (2995 Airway Ave., C.M,): 8:15, 10, 11:45 a.m. in person (reservations required) or online, (949) 999-3900, https://www.stjchurch.life

St. James Episcopal (3209 Via Lido): 10 a.m., in person and live-streaming, www.stjamesnewport.org, (949) 675-0210

St. John Vianney (314 Marine Ave.): 8, 9:30, 11 a.m., come early, wear mask. https://www.olmc.net, (949) 673-3801

St. Matthew’s Church: (2300 Ford Rd): 7:30, 9, 11 a.m. Registration required. https://www.stmatthewsnewport.com, (949) 219-0911

Viewpoint Church (866 W.16 St.): 10 a.m. in person (outside) and online: https://www.viewpointchurch.org, (949)345-9228

Watermark Church (3186 Pullman St.): indoors, outdoors, online (reserve seats) 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. (714) 597-6000, https://watermarkoc.com

Cindy can be reached at cindy@onthegrow.com.