Oil Spill Community Volunteers Now Being Registered

Workers on CdM State Beach monitoring the oil slick amid ongoing clean-up efforts / drone photo by Richard Simon

The Unified Command leading the oil spill response has approved the use of community volunteers to assist in the effort.

Community volunteers must meet following minimum requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Be able to lift up to 25 pounds.
  • Be willing to follow County Public Health COVID procedures.

To register, visit https://calspillwatch.wildlife.ca.gov/Volunteer.

To reach the Volunteer Hotline call (800) 228-4544.

In addition, Newport Beach and other coastal cities are partnering with Surfrider to help coordinate beach-related volunteer opportunities that do not involve the direct cleanup of oil. Register at www.cleanups.surfrider.org to be notified of future opportunities.

Members of the public who are not involved with the volunteer program are asked to avoid assisting with cleanup in the oiled areas.

Members of the public are also advised to avoid contact with oiled wildlife. If anyone encounters oiled wildlife, please call (877) 823-6926. Stay away from tidepools and other sensitive wildlife habitat.

For more information and updates, please visit the official incident response website at: www.socalspillresponse.com.

A berm is draped across the entrance to Newport Harbor to prevent oil from coming into the harbor / drone photo by Richard Simon