OC Women2Women Hosting Sweetheart Luncheon & Fashion Show to Benefit Working Wardrobes

Bonni Pumish, CEO of Working Wardrobes, and Karen Butera King, President of OC Women2Women

On Wednesday, February 12, Newport Beach-based OC Women2Women invites the community to attend a Sweetheart themed luncheon and fashion show at the Santa Ana Country Club.

Registration and networking begin at 11:30 with lunch and the fashion show at noon.

Wardrobe is provided by Chicos with shoes and accessories from Marmi Shoes of Newport Beach.

Tickets are $125 with net proceeds donated to Working Wardrobes, whose mission is to help people overcome barriers to gainful employment. To learn more, visit their website: https://www.workingwardrobes.org.

According to Karen Butera King, President of OC Women2Women, “This Sweetheart Luncheon is a fun event for a great cause as both of our missions inspire, empower and invest in the lives of underserved women in Orange County. Working Wardrobes is one of our favorite partners. Their stellar program has been providing hope for thousands since 1990. We invite all guests to donate clean clothes on hangers to this fabulous cause.”

OC Women2Women has impacted over 85,000 women through its initiatives making a difference in women’s lives across Orange County. To learn more or purchase tickets visit: https://ocwomen2women.org/news%2Fevents.