OC Community Foundation Hosts ‘Preserving Dignity’ Giving Day on July 14


On Wednesday, July 14, the Newport Beach-based Orange County Community Foundation will host Preserving Dignity, a collaborative Giving Day aiming to raise $100,000 for seven nonprofits serving older adults in need throughout Orange County.

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the lives of millions of Americans, especially the elderly. In Orange County, there are more than 450,000 adults aged 65 and older, which accounts for 14.3 percent of the population.

By 2045, this number is projected to increase to 17.3 percent. According to the Orange County Strategic Plan for Aging, adults will face a new set of economic, social, health, and lifestyle challenges associated with aging, and Orange County is not able to provide adequate support of this growing population.

Preserving Dignity will raise funds for seven nonprofits supporting elderly adults who are in need of supportive services. These organizations offer a range of resources, including meals, housing, domestic violence services, hospice care, engagement opportunities, caregiver support, and more.

Preserving Dignity participants include Alzheimer’s Orange County, Council on Aging – Southern California, Human Options, Inc., Meals on Wheels Orange County, SoulRapha, Southern California Hospice Foundation, and St. Francis Home of the Franciscan Missionary Sister of the I C Inc.

“Orange County’s older adults have faced disproportionate challenges throughout the pandemic due to their vulnerability to the virus and need to self-isolate in order to stay safe,” said Shelley Hoss, president and CEO of OCCF. “OCCF is proud to support nonprofits providing older adults the vital resources they need as we recover from the pandemic and plan for the future challenges facing our aging population.”

Preserving Dignity is part of OCCF’s iheartOC Collaborative Giving Days, an annual initiative that designates cause-specific giving days focused on critical community issues. The online giving model matches OC nonprofits with shared missions – from homelessness and workforce development to preserving ecosystems and supporting local veterans – to create momentum on one shared day and leverage a combined outreach effort for collective success.

In 2020, the 10 days secured support from nearly 6,500 donors and raised a record $3.2 million for 98 nonprofits. Since its start in 2015, OCCF’s Collaborative Giving Days have raised more than $13 million for Orange County nonprofits.

To give online during the 24-hour Giving Day, please visit www.preserving-dignity-giving-day.ocnonprofitcentral.org.

For more information about Orange County Community Foundation Collaborative Giving Days, please visit www.oc-cf.org/givingdays.