OC Chapter of Childhelp in Newport Beach Raises $500K at Annual Golf Tournament

OC Childhelp Chapter Volunteers Nikki Bass, Joyce Simon and Ann Steinfeld/ Photo by Ann Chatillon

The Orange County Chapter of CHILDHELP, based on Newport Beach, raised over $500,000 net at the 40thth annual Childhelp Rich Saul Memorial Golf Classic at the Monarch Beach Golf Links in Dana Point on Thursday May 12.

This was a very special year as it marked the 10th anniversary to bear the name of Rich Saul, a professional football player for the Los Angeles Rams for 12 years, and a longtime supporter of the Childhelp golf events until his passing in 2012.

With Rich’s help in 2007, the Men’s Corporate Sponsor Committee was formed, and since that time, this golf event has raised over $5,800,000.

National Chair Patti Edwards, Rosalie Puleo, Chairs Eileen Saul and Cathy Caporaso. Photo by Ann Chatillon

Co-Chairs of the golf tournament were Debra Violette and Cathie Caporaso. Tournament coordinator was Eileen Saul.

The Corporate Sponsor Committee co-chairs were Justin Wheeler, Wheeler Family Trust; Matt Fletcher, Conner Fletcher & Hedenkamp LLP; Jim Violette, Fidelity National Financial. Platinum Title Sponsors were Jacquie and Michael Casey

Event Committee Members included Susan Hill, Patti Edwards, Patricia Ford, Rosalie Puleo, Kim Kegans, Susie Gaunt, Patty McNally, Gina Van Ocker, Ellen Hanson Walker, Christine Johnson, Julie Thornton, Mary Allen Dexter, Joyce Simon, Teri Nanko, Pam Pharris, Nancy Cardin, Tracy Abel, Tami Smith, Katherine Meredith, Diana Miner, Jennifer Kite.

Jeff Pintar, Brian Bentson, John Westersten—all wearing Rams jerseys with number 61, in honor of Rich Saul /photo by Christine Johnson

The Heart & Soul Award was presented to Debra and Jim Violette.

Tournament winners were Sam Perricone Jr, Chris Justine Boster, Tyler Smith and Kolin Ozonian.

Childhelp works to prevent and educate children about child abuse and neglect, and provides healing programs to help those children who have already endured sexual, physical or emotional abuse. Through the national organization of Childhelp, over 11 million children have benefited from their services and programs to date.

Childhelp provides a broad continuum of child abuse prevention and treatment programs that directly serve children and their families. This includes facilities that care for some of the nation’s most severely damaged children.

Сhildhelp is proud of the fact that for each dollar expended, over 85 cents is invested into serving the children in need of services, which include three Group Homes in Costa Mesa.

Visit www.Childhelp.org for more information.

Dougall Agan, Ron Washle, Kim Kegans and Mike Danzi / photo by Christine Johnson
Event Committee Members / photo by Christine Johnson
Mike Umbro, Matt Osborne, Justin Wheeler and Mark Sbicca (Wheeler Family Trust Corporate Sponsor foursome). Photo by Ann Chatillon