NorthStar and Coldwell Banker Send Hunger Packing


 coldwell bankerEco-luxury mover NorthStar Moving Company has teamed up once again with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage for their fourth annual “Let’s Send Hunger Packing!” food drive to feed hungry children in Los Angeles and Orange County.

The donations will help feed over one million children in Southern California that lack access to food.

Food banks face their greatest need during the summer months, so this is a chance to make a difference for neighbors in need.

Newport Beach Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage offices are competing against other cities and towns to collect the most food donations for their local food bank.

The Newport Beach donations will benefit Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County. NorthStar Moving will honor the winning offices, one in each county, with a monetary donation to their local food bank in their name.

“Summer brings vacations, beach time, and relaxation. However, summer months also increase the struggle of hunger for many children when access to a daily school sponsored meal is removed,” said NorthStar Moving Co-Founder Laura McHolm. “Last year we were thrilled to serve over 5,000 meals to the area’s hungry children. And, with every year, we strive to raise even more.”

The battle to raise the most food donations runs through June 17. Donations of non-perishable food items are now being accepted at the Newport Beach Coldwell Banker office at 840 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100.

For more information, please visit