News Briefs: Mr. Irrelevant, Banning Ranch, More

Mr. Irrelevant Kalen Reed. — Photo courtesy Irrelevant Week ©
Mr. Irrelevant Kalen Reed.
— Photo courtesy Irrelevant Week ©

Kalen Reed Crowned “Mr. Irrelevant” 2016

Being irrelevant is normally not a good thing –  unless you’re the last pick in the NFL draft.

The Tennessee Titans selected Southern Miss corner back Kalan Reed as their pick, and last overall (number 253), in this year’s NFL draft, automatically making Reed “Mr. Irrelevant” for 2016.

For those who don’t know, Irrelevant Week (June 3-5) and Mr. Irrelevant – celebrating the underdog – was created by NFL legend Paul Salata, a Newport Beach resident.

Reed will come to Newport Beach and be roasted and toasted during the annual Lowsman Banquet, where he’ll receive the Lowsman Trophy, which has the figurine fumbling a football.

He’ll also take on the sites and outdoor activities in Newport Beach. In addition, he’ll be featured during a parade and celebration on Balboa Island.

With the Tennessee Titans, he can receive some helpful Mr. Irrelevant advice, as Titans kicker Ryan Succop is a former Mr. Irrelevant, and one of the best in history.

When Reed was a kid, he lived in Nashville, Tenn., where his favorite NFL team became the Tennessee Titans. He never stopped loving them, and now he’s one of them.

Mr. Irrelevant’s June excursion will include an all-expenses paid trip to Newport Beach, where he’ll be lauded and praised as if he was the draft’s No. 1 pick.

“We established Irrelevant Week to drive home an important message – that it’s not a negative to be picked last in the NFL Draft; rather, it’s an honor to be drafted at all,” Salata said. “The last draft pick’s demonstration of perseverance is lesson that resonates not only with NFL players and fans, but also with people everywhere.”

Once Mr. Irrelevant reaches Newport Beach, he’ll be treated to a welcoming party, participate in a regatta, be featured on NFL Network, be a part of the infield grounds keeping at an Angels or Dodgers game, and then be bombarded by gifts and favors at the Irrelevant Week Lowsman Banquet, which is a social highlight of the year.

While crowning someone Mr. Irrelevant is a way to do something nice for someone for absolutely no reason, Irrelevant Week shenanigans have raised more than $1 million for American Cancer Society, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, the YMCA and Special Olympics.

For more information, visit


Banning Ranch site.  — Photo courtesy city of Newport Beach
Banning Ranch site.
— Photo courtesy city of Newport Beach

Nature Commission Meeting on Banning Ranch

The Nature Commission will host an informational presentation on Tuesday about Banning Ranch and the California Coastal Commission hearing on May 12 that includes the development of Banning Ranch on the agenda.

Nature Commission founder Kevin Nelson will have photos and facts that challenge the Banning Ranch developer’s portrayal of a wasteland.

The event starts at 6 p.m. at Seaside Café and Catering, 1559 Placentia in Newport Beach, and includes live music and food in an industrial setting two blocks from Banning Ranch. 

Sherman Gardens Celebrates National Public Gardens Day

Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar is celebrating National Public Gardens Day on May 6 with special tours and flower arranging demonstrations.

Public Gardens Day is a national day of recognition, embraced by communities, organizations, and public officials, that pays tribute to public gardens and their important role in educating the public on environmental preservation through plant and water conservation.

Presented by the American Public Garden’s Association, many of the nation’s public gardens will mark the day with special events and activities for schools, families and visitors to explore and discover their local public garden, while learning about each garden’s commitment to education, research and environmental stewardship.

Garden Director Scott LaFleur will lead tours at 12 and 3 p.m. Flower arranging demonstrations with Janell Wiley will be held at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Free garden-related gift will be given to all visitors.

For more information, visit or call (949) 673-2261. The activities at Sherman Gardens include free entry for up to four guests with a coupon available from




Wings of Freedom Planes at John Wayne Airport

People admire the B-24 Wings of Freedom plane. — Photo by Jim Collins ©
People admire the B-24 Wings of Freedom plane.
— Photo by Jim Collins ©

If you hear loud rumblings in the sky, don’t worry – it’s just a B-17 flying fortress touching down at John Wayne Airport.

The Wings of Freedom Tour returns to Orange County through May 8, which means it’s another rare opportunity to see WWII Vintage planes including a B-17 Flying Fortress, B-24 Liberator, B-25 Mitchell and P-51 Mustang.

The public can visit, explore, and learn more about these unique and rare treasures of aviation history. The B-17 is one of only eight in flying condition in the United States, while the B-24J and Full Dual Control P-51C Mustang are the sole remaining examples of their type flying in the World. The B-25 is best known for being used in the daring Doolittle raid.

Cost to explore the aircraft inside and out is $12 for adults and $6 for children under 12.

Visitors may also experience the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to actually take a 30-minute flight aboard these rare aircraft.

Flights on either the B-17 or B-24 are $450 per person, while the P-51 flights are $2,200 for a half hour and $3,200 for a full hour. B-25 flights are $400 per person.

The event is organized by The Collings Foundation, a nonprofit educational foundation devoted to organizing “living history” events that allows people to learn more about their heritage and history through direct participation.

For more information, visit For reservations and information on flight experiences call (800) 568-8924.


Stand-up for the Cure

A previous Stand Up for the Cure. — NB Indy file photo ©
A previous Stand Up for the Cure.
— NB Indy file photo ©

The Newport Beach Stand-up for the Cure 2016 takes place this Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Newport Dunes.

Attendees will get a free breast or skin cancer exam and will partake in a range of activities including SUP races, happy hour beer & wine, lunch, raffle, silent auction and live music.  

The event is in support of the Orange County Affiliate of Susan G Komen.  Every $125 raised for Komen OC enables an uninsured local woman to receive her breast exam which may save her life.

Standup event proceeds go to the local affiliates of Susan G. Komen. Each affiliate uses 75 percent of the net proceeds to fund local life-saving education, screening, diagnostics, treatment and survivorship programs. The remaining 25 percent is invested in global breast cancer research.

For more information, visit Sign up by visiting