News Briefs


Police Seek Public’s Help:ResBurgSusp3

The Newport Beach Police Department released photos Thursday of a burglary suspect, asking for the public’s help in identifying him.

The man is wanted in connection with a recent residential burglary in the 700 block of Malabar Drive in Corona del Mar.

On Oct. 10 around 10:45 a.m. “the suspect removed a screen door from the rear of the residence and used an unknown tool (possibly a screwdriver) to pry open a sliding door,” according to police. “The suspect did not take any property and was likely interrupted by a resident returning to the home.”

He is described as white or Hispanic with a bald or shaved head, dark mustache and approximately five feet 10 inches tall and 200 pounds.

Anyone with information as to the identity and/or location of the suspect is encouraged to contact Detective Chris Kimble at (949) 644-3767, or the Police Department’s Hotline at 1-800-550-NBPD. Messages can be left anonymously.

ResBurgSusp2  ResBurgSusp1










Air Quality Tech Committee Vote on Fire Ring Designs:

The South Coast Air Quality Management District’s Technology Committee voted Friday on executing two contracts for creating low-emission public beach type fire rings. The decision was not yet available at press time.

According to the committee’s agenda, the board released an RFP for the “demonstration of low-emission outdoor non-wood public beach-type fire rings and/or low-emission non-wood burning retrofit equipment and devices for existing outdoor public beach-type fire rings,” at their July 12 meeting.

They received seven proposals and were planning on executing two contracts with Earth’s Flame, Inc. and Blazing Design, Inc. to “develop and demonstrate propane and natural gas fired fire rings.”

Neither is to exceed $300,000, which would come from the Special Revenue Fund, according to the agenda.


Fencing to be Installed at Two NMUSD Schools:

The Newport-Mesa Unified School District board of education voted Tuesday to install fencing at Adams and Victoria elementary schools.

The board also agreed to look more closely at the Roy O. Andersen Elementary School proposal and listen to more community and expert comments before deciding.

Wrought iron fencing and gates will be placed in front of the schools and along the sides. Playgrounds and fields will be completely enclosed and/or have controlled access during the day. The field at Adams will remain “unfenced in order to be available to community use after school hours,” according to Laura Boss, director of district communications for NMUSD.

Safety was the number one priority when the district made its recommendations to the board, Boss wrote in a community statement.

The district hopes to begin installation during Summer/Fall 2014.

At Andersen, “district staff will initiate contact with the Newport Beach Police Department as well as work with Andersen school administration, staff, parents and community members as part of the requested analysis process.”