News Briefs


Call for Entries: Sculpture in Civic Center Park Exhibition

Ray Katz’s Odyssey sculpture looms over the Civic Center at the Civic Center Park.  — NB Indy photo ©
Ray Katz’s Odyssey sculpture looms over the Civic Center at the Civic Center Park.
— NB Indy photo ©

Artists, private collectors, galleries and museums/non-profit institutions are invited to submit pre-existing artworks for consideration for temporary exhibition at the City’s Civic Center Park.

This is a unique opportunity for artworks to be exhibited at the recently completed Newport Beach Civic Center and displayed in the serene, ocean-view park that is free and open to the public.

The 2015 call for artworks seeks ten more sculptures to be added to the park in August 2015. All work submitted for consideration must be complete and available to be loaned to the City of Newport Beach for a period of two years (August 2015 – August 2017). Artists will receive an honorarium of between $1,500 and $4,000.

The City of Newport Beach has retained Arts Orange County to provide professional services for the artist selection and installation of the inaugural sculpture exhibition.

The deadline for entries is May 6, 2015. Applications will only be accepted online at

Eligibility and submission guidelines can be found on the City website at under “Sculpture in Civic Center Park Exhibition” or at

For more information, please contact Kristina Colby, Program Director, Arts Orange County, at (717) 556-5160, ext. 14 or send an email to


Newport to Ensenada Race Ready to Sail

PHRF-A class Temptress and Paranoia get off to a quick start at the beginning of the Newport-to-Ensenada Race on Friday. Temptress (Ray Godwin, LBYC) finished second in the class on corrected time.
The start of the Newport-to-Ensenada Race during a previous year.
— NB Indy photo ©

Nearly 200 sailboats will leave Newport Beach and make the 125 mile trek to Ensenada, Mexico when the annual Newport to Ensenada Yacht Race gets underway Friday at 11 a.m. off the Balboa Pier.

Dubbed the “world’s largest international yacht race,” the boats (and crews) compete for a variety of trophies and prizes in an event that started back in 1948.

The Newport to Ensenada Race is organized by the Newport Ocean Sailing Organization. The public is encouraged to come out on the Balboa Pier and watch the start of the race. Viewing is also available from the bluffs overlooking Corona del Mar beach. Smaller boats go first, large ones last.

Some boats make it to Ensenada the same day, others arrive on Saturday—the day of the big fiesta at Coral Hotel for the boat crews and family members.

Sunday is the trophy presentation, with dignitaries from Ensenada and the mayor of Newport Beach. There is bus service back to Newport Beach that afternoon for those not making the return trip via boat.

For more information, visit


CERT to Hold Multi-Neighborhood Drill

Lido Isle residents Dave Lamb (left) radios in the details of a hypothetical house fire as Hugh Helm checks the incident report during Newport Beach Fire Department’s first ever Community Emergency Response Team multi-neighborhood drill on Saturday. — All photos by Jim Collins ©
Lido Isle residents Dave Lamb (left) and Hugh Helm work a simulated incident during Newport Beach Fire Department’s first ever Community Emergency Response Team multi-neighborhood drill last year.
— Photo by Jim Collins ©

The Newport Beach Fire Department’s Community Emergency Response Team will hold its 2nd Annual Multi-Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Drill Saturday from 9 to 11:30 a.m.

The drill will simulate a 7.2 earthquake on the Newport-Inglewood fault.

The 13 participating NB communities are Balboa Island, Balboa Peninsula Poin, Bayside Village, Broadmoor Hills, Cameo, Central Newport Beach-Balboa Penninsula, Corona Del Mar, Santa Ana Heights, Crystal Cove, Dover Shores, Irvine Terrace, Lido Isle and Ziani.

Participating neighborhoods will follow their CERT neighborhood activation procedures and will set-up an incident command post. Volunteers will then be deployed to do a simulated check of all residents within their communities. Simulated “disaster” incidents will be spread throughout each community for them to find and to discuss how they would respond. The drill will also test radio communications, both within each neighborhood and to the city’s Emergency Operations Center. The drill will also test the use of twitter to relay back critical information.

For more information, visit, or contact Community Preparedness Coordinator Matt Brisbois at or (949) 644-3112.