News Briefs


Police Warn Residents of Scam:

Newport Beach Police Department warned residents this week about a scam in which the victim is contacted by phone and the suspect identifies himself as a NBPD employee. He tells the victim that there is a bench warrant out for their arrest due to missing a court appearance and that they need to pay a fine immediately in order to avoid arrest, according to a message sent out to community members. The suspect may call several times and may leave a number for victims to call back.

“The Newport Beach Police Department would never actually initiate this type of phone call to a member of the community, or arrange for payment of funds to avoid arrest,” the statement reads.

Anyone who has been the victim of this type of scam is encouraged to contact the Newport Beach Police Department at (949) 644-3717.  


Junior Naturalists Needed:

The Environmental Nature Center is recruiting teenagers to be Junior Naturalists, the center announced on Tuesday.

The teens will help teach and supervise campers during Nature Camps. They are also required to attend a training session before each camp.

“The program helps broaden teens’ leadership and communication skills,” the message reads.

About 80 Junior Naturalists work at the ENC each year, volunteering a combined 2800 hours.

Interested teens need to fill out an application and have a non-family member adult submit a reference form. Staff will contact prospective Junior Naturalists to set up an interview.


OC Food Bank Soirée:

The Orange County Food Bank holds its annual “Soirée in the Vineyard to End Hunger in Orange County” fundraising event on Sunday, November 3, at Newport Beach Vineyards and Winery from 4 to 7 p.m.

The event raises funds for food and to bring awarenessofo the growing issue of hunger in Orange County.

The event will include a select pouring of the estate’s vintage wine selection paired with gourmet cuisine from Wyndam Hotel, a winery tour, and a special performance by the Jerry Mandel Jazz Band.

All proceeds will support the Orange County Food Bank, which distributes nearly 20 million pounds of food each year to 400 non-profit agencies throughout the county including soup kitchens, churches, shelters and social service agencies. The Orange County Food Bank also provides direct services to more than 23,000 seniors and low-income families each month.

Visit for details.


Library Book Sale:

Friend of the Newport Beach Library will hold a book sale at the Main library on Avocado Ave. on Friday, November 1 from 1 to 4 p.m. (for members only) and on Saturday, November 2, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Prices on Friday: Hardbacks are two for $1, paperbacks four for $1. Saturday all books are $1 for bag full.

For more information, visit or call (949) 717-3800.